• 榮太樓 榮太樓飴 ポケット缶 梅ぼ志飴 50g
  • 価格:432円(税込)





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  • 【賞味期限】391日(製造日を含む)
    【原材料名】[黄]白ざら糖(国内製造)、水飴 [紅]白ざら糖(国内製造)、水飴/着色料(野菜色素)

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  • Pocket cans for convenient carrying around.
    Eitaro candies, crafted using the "aruheito" decorative sugar candy-making method that originated in Portugal, retain their original flavor and shape, and are characterized by their clean richness and crisp, light texture that can be savored with each bite.
    These simple candies have a nice crunchiness that comes from the rapid boiling down of molasses, made primarily from extremely pure and high-quality sugar, directly over a high heat. At the same time, they also have a caramel-like richness that is produced by the thermal decomposition of the sugar.

    【best-before date】 391 days(Including date of manufacture)
    ※We deliver products at least 196 days from the shipping date.
    【Storage Method】 Store away from direct sunlight, high temperature and high humidity.
    【Raw material name】 [yellow]Confectioner granulated sugar (manufactured in Japan)、syrup [red]Confectioner granulated sugar (manufactured in Japan), syrup / coloring (Vegetable pigments)
    【Specified Ingredients (Allergy Label)】 Not used.
  • 商品仕様

    製品名: 榮太樓 榮太樓飴 ポケット缶 梅ぼ志飴 50g
    商品説明: 持ち歩きに便利なポケット缶。 南蛮渡来「有平糖」の製法で作られた榮太樓飴。味と形は今も変わりません。 雑みのないコクとカリカリと噛みくだける軽やかさが特徴です。
    型番: 0269241
    JANコード: 4901060692418
    メーカー: 株式会社榮太樓總本鋪
    外寸法: 幅82mm/ 奥行82mm/ 高さ22mm
    製品重量: 93g


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