• 榮太樓 榮太樓飴 3缶入
抹茶飴イメージ 黒飴イメージ 梅ぼ志飴イメージ
  • 価格:1,782円(税込)





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  • 【セット内容】抹茶飴・黒飴・梅ぼ志飴 各1缶

  • Click here for contents, expiration date, ingredients, etc. »
  • "Our Umeboshi candy, one of our store's representative products generically known as Eitaro candy, is carefully made using the Alfenim (Aruheito in Japanese) decorative confectionary method from Nanban.
    Kuroame(OKINAWA BROWN SUGAR):This is the sister product of the Umeboshi candy made with the Alfenim process.
    We use black sugar made in Okinawa. Our customers love the flavor created by the powdered cinnamon bark and brown sugar sprinkled onto each candy.
    Matcha: Made with flavorsome Japanese matcha, it has a traditional taste.

    【Set contents】 Eitaro candy Matcha・Kuroame(BROWN SUGAR)・UMEBOSHI AME 1 can each
    【best-before date】 361 days(Including date of manufacture)
    ※We deliver products at least 181 days from the shipping date.
    【Storage Method】 Store away from direct sunlight, high temperature and high humidity.
    【Raw material name】 《Matcha》starch syrup (manufactured in Japan), granulated sugar, matcha
    《Kuroame(BROWN SUGAR)》White sugar (manufactured in Japan), brown sugar (from Okinawa), syrup, powdered cinnamon bark
    《UMEBOSHI AME》[yellow]Confectioner granulated sugar (manufactured in Japan)、syrup [red] Confectioner granulated sugar (manufactured in Japan), syrup / coloring (Vegetable pigments)
    【Specified Ingredients (Allergy Label)】 Not used.
  • 商品仕様

    製品名: 榮太樓 榮太樓飴 3缶入
    商品説明: 黒飴は有平糖の製法で作られた、梅ぼ志飴の姉妹品。沖縄産黒糖にほんのり桂皮末をまぶしました。明治25年から守り続けた素朴な味わいです。抹茶飴は風味豊かな国産抹茶を使用した、昔ながらの味わいです。
    型番: 20053
    JANコード: 4901060000534
    メーカー: 株式会社榮太樓總本鋪
    外寸法: 幅115mm/ 奥行335mm/ 高さ31mm
    製品重量: 580g


    [ポイント2倍中 35ポイント~]
